There are no strangers in the village of Near, until one night, Lexi sees a mysterious figure on the Moor, disappearing in a single gust of wind.
The next morning, word of the stranger has spread and everyone is curious. But when a child is stolen from his bed, the locals are quick to blame the stranger. Lexi is sure that he is innocent, and with the help of Cole (the name she made up for him when he said he didn't have one), they discover that one of the oldest bedtime stories parents tell their children before bed is a lie...and the witch in the story is out for revenge.
Alright, you guys all know by now that I suck at making my own synopsizes, but I still try.
I am mentally kicking myself for not buying this all those months ago when I wanted to. Funny story with this book; while shopping with my mother, I had found an indie bookstore and was thinking 'oh hey, cool, a new bookstore!'...then I saw the sign that said Going Out of Business Sale. 50% Off.
So I went in and found two mangas, each only $5 with the 50% off. Then The Near Witch caught my eye. I picked it up, thinking about how I had wanted this book for a while. I looked at the price and half off, it would have been $8.50 without tax. I brought it up to the counter and the total came out to over nineteen dollars, and I decided not to buy The Near Witch.
Yeah, I'm an idiot.
Anyway, this book was SO GOOD.
The writing was superb, it flowed beautifully and sucked me in immediately. I could picture the people and scenes perfectly.
Lexi was AWESOME. I'm finding a lot of wickedly awesome heroines lately.
Cole? *squeal* I loved him from the very first page he was introduced. Instead of being this tall, dark, handsome brooding dude, he was kind of small, shy, quiet, and just utterly adorable. I'm sorry, I just can't help myself, he's like an adorable lost puppy that you just wanna cuddle.
Didn't I use a puppy meme in the last review? Huh. Well, who doesn't love a puppy meme?
Okay, I'm getting off topic here.
The one thing I was a bit disappointed with was the ending. I was expected an epic battle between Lexi and the Near Witch, but all I got was, well, nothing. No fight scene, just a gust of wind and poof. Done.
This book is definitely not for everyone. A lot of people would probably find this book boring and slow paced. I for one, thought it was immensely addicting and beautiful, but I can see how some people would think it boring. Fans of lots of action will not like this book. Don't get me wrong, I love action, in books especially, but, maybe it's just me, I appreciate a slower book now and then. If you're like that too, then read this. Hell, if you like fast paced books too, read this. Read this. Read this. READ THIS. READ THIS. READ. THIS. NOW.
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